What Does Marcus Aurelius Say About Justice: Insights from the Stoic Philosopher

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Marcus Aurelius, a Roman emperor and philosopher, is known for his writings on Stoicism, a philosophy that emphasises rationality and virtue. One of the key themes in his writings is justice, which he believed was essential for individuals and society to function properly. In his book Meditations, Marcus Aurelius explores the concept of justice and its relationship with other virtues, such as wisdom, courage, and temperance. 

According to Marcus Aurelius, justice is not just about punishing wrongdoers but also treating others fairly and respectfully. He believed that justice was a natural law governing the universe and that individuals should strive to align themselves with it. For Marcus Aurelius, justice was not just an external concept but also an internal one that required individuals to be honest with themselves and others to do the right thing.

In this article, we will explore Marcus Aurelius’ views on justice and how they relate to his broader philosophy of Stoicism. We will examine his writings in Meditations and explore how he believed justice should be applied in society. We will also look at the influence of Stoic philosophy on Marcus Aurelius’ views on justice and the role of rationality and truth in his thinking.

Key Takeaways

  • Marcus Aurelius believed that justice was essential for individuals and society to function properly.
  • Justice, according to Marcus Aurelius, is not just about punishing wrongdoers but also about treating others fairly and with respect.
  • His philosophy of Stoicism emphasised the importance of aligning oneself with the natural law of the universe, which included the concept of justice.

Marcus Aurelius and Justice

Marcus Aurelius and Justice

Understanding Justice Through Stoicism

Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperor, was a prominent Stoic philosopher who believed in the importance of justice. According to Stoicism, justice is an essential virtue based on reason and fairness. It involves treating people with respect, kindness, and empathy, regardless of their social status, race, or religion. Justice is not only about punishing wrongdoers but also about promoting social harmony and equality.

Stoicism emphasises the importance of self-control, rationality, and moral responsibility. It teaches that justice is an integral part of living a virtuous life and that it is essential to cultivate a sense of justice in oneself. By practising self-discipline and self-reflection, one can deeply understand justice and its role in society.

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Marcus Aurelius’ Interpretation of Justice

Marcus Aurelius believed that justice was a moral obligation and a practical necessity. He argued that justice was essential for maintaining social order and stability and that the ruler must ensure that justice was upheld in society. He believed that justice should be based on reason and fairness and should be applied equally to all people, regardless of their status or position.

In his book Meditations, Marcus Aurelius wrote extensively about justice and its importance. He believed justice was a fundamental principle guiding one’s actions and decisions. He also emphasised the importance of empathy and compassion in promoting justice, stating that “the best way to avenge yourself is to not be like that.”

Marcus Aurelius’s interpretation of justice was grounded in Stoic philosophy, which emphasised the importance of reason, fairness, and empathy. He believed that justice was an essential virtue that should guide one’s actions and decisions and that it was the ruler’s duty to ensure justice was upheld in society.

Justice and Society

Marcus Aurelius’ View on Society

Marcus Aurelius believed that society should be based on justice, the foundation of all social relationships. He saw society as a community of individuals bound together by a common purpose, which is to live in harmony with one another.

According to him, society should be governed by the principles of justice, meaning everyone should be treated fairly and equally. This includes the rulers and the ruled and people from different social classes and backgrounds.

He also believed that justice is not just a matter of law but also a matter of ethics. People should strive to do what is right, even if it is not always easy or convenient. He also believed that justice requires honesty, compassion, and respect for others.

Justice and the Roman Empire

As the Emperor of Rome, Marcus Aurelius ensured justice was upheld throughout the empire. He believed that justice was essential for maintaining social order and stability.

Under his rule, the Roman Empire was governed by a system of laws that applied to everyone, regardless of their social status or position. This system of laws was designed to ensure that justice was served and that everyone was held accountable for their actions.

He understood that the government had a responsibility to provide for the welfare of its citizens. He felt the government should provide necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare to those in need.

Therefore, Marcus Aurelius believed justice was essential for building a harmonious society.

Justice and Virtue in Meditations

Interpreting Justice in Meditations

Marcus Aurelius wrote Meditations as a personal diary of his philosophical reflections. The book is a collection of his thoughts and ideas on various topics, including justice. His writings emphasise the importance of justice in society. Justice is a fundamental virtue that everyone should uphold.

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His reflections encourage readers to be just in their actions and to treat others fairly. Justice is a moral obligation and a means of achieving inner peace and happiness. He says justice is the foundation of a stable and harmonious society.

Justice and Virtue in Meditations

Marcus Aurelius opined that justice is closely linked to virtue. He believed that a just person also possesses the virtues of wisdom, courage, and temperance. He believed these virtues are essential for a person to be just in their actions.

Meditations emphasises cultivating these virtues. A person can become more just and virtuous by developing these virtues. He thought a just person strives to do what is right, even when difficult or unpopular.

Marcus Aurelius also believed that justice is not just a matter of individual actions but social justice. He believed that society should be just and fair and laws should be based on the principles of justice. A just society is one in which everyone is treated fairly and has equal opportunities.

Hence, justice is a fundamental virtue everyone should uphold. He regarded that justice is closely linked to virtue and that a just person possesses the four virtues. No doubt that justice is essential for a stable and harmonious society.

Influence of Stoic Philosophy

Stoicism profoundly influenced Marcus Aurelius’s views on justice. The Stoics believed that the universe was governed by reason and that individuals should live in accordance with nature. This philosophy emphasised the importance of self-control, rationality, and the pursuit of virtue.

Role of Epictetus and Seneca

Epictetus and Seneca were two of the most prominent Stoic philosophers who influenced Marcus Aurelius. Epictetus was a formerly enslaved person who became a philosopher and taught that individuals should focus on what they can control rather than what they cannot. On the other hand, Seneca was a Roman statesman who believed that individuals should live simple life and that wealth and power were not necessary for happiness.

Influence of Stoic Virtues on Justice

The Stoic virtues of wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance were integral to Marcus Aurelius’s understanding of justice. He believed justice was not just about punishing wrongdoers but also about treating others fairly and respectfully. A quote in his book wrote, “Be just in your actions and words. Do not exaggerate or overstate your abilities. Do not be quick to anger or to blame others.”

Marcus Aurelius believed that justice was not just a human concept but was also a fundamental principle of the universe. He wrote, “Everything in the universe is interconnected, and each part has a role to play. Just as the sun provides light and warmth to the earth, so must we provide justice to our fellow human beings.”

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His views on justice were heavily influenced by Stoic philosophy, particularly the teachings of Epictetus and Seneca. He felt that justice was an essential virtue that should guide our actions and interactions with others.

The Role of Rationality and Truth

Rationality in Justice

One of the fundamental principles of Stoicism is the idea that rationality is essential to living a virtuous life. In the justice context, rationality means that a person must use reason and logic to determine right and wrong. This involves examining the facts of a situation, considering the consequences of different actions, and making a decision based on what is fair and just.

For Marcus Aurelius, rationality was critical in ensuring that justice was served. He opined a just decision must be based on reason, not emotions or personal biases. This is why he often emphasised the importance of impartiality in making judgments. A judge must be able to set aside their personal feelings and decide based solely on the facts of the case.

Truth and Justice in Stoicism

In Stoicism, truth is closely linked to justice. A person cannot be just if they are not truthful. This is because justice requires that people act following the fact and not deceive others. For Marcus Aurelius, truth was essential to living a virtuous life.

When it comes to justice, truth is also critical. A just decision must be based on the reality of the situation and not on hearsay or speculation. This is why Marcus Aurelius emphasised the importance of gathering all the facts before deciding. A judge must be able to separate truth from falsehood and choose based on what is right.

That is why rationality and truth are essential components of justice in Stoicism. A just decision must be based on reason and logic, not personal biases or emotions. Truth is also critical in ensuring that justice is served, as a just decision must be found on the truth of the situation.


In conclusion, Marcus Aurelius considered justice a fundamental virtue everyone should strive to uphold. He believed that justice is about fairness and impartiality and being compassionate and considerate towards others. According to Marcus, justice is an essential component of Stoic philosophy.

In his book Meditations, Marcus Aurelius emphasised the importance of justice in creating a stable and harmonious society. He believed that justice should not only be practised by individuals but also by the state. He argued that the government is responsible for ensuring that justice is upheld and that laws are fair and impartial.

Marcus Aurelius also recognised the importance of justice in the context of the Roman Empire. He believed that the Roman Empire was founded on the principles of justice and that it was the duty of every citizen to uphold these principles. He believed that justice was essential for the stability and prosperity of the empire.

Overall, Marcus Aurelius’s views on justice continue to be relevant today. His emphasis on fairness, compassion, and impartiality is still appropriate in modern society. His teachings on justice have influenced many philosophers and thinkers throughout history, and they continue to inspire people to strive for a more just and equitable world.

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